Welcome to Razur Cuts!
Integral to this was the punk DIY attitude, giving a huge nod to the fanzines of the mid to late 70s and using their ethos to promote and help the underground scene. The aim was to include writers, poets, musicians, artists and anyone who’d had good-quality submissions rejected due to elitism. We’d open doors to talent, not close them.
Family and true friends came on board to help and, after almost a year, Razur Cuts was born. Our first edition was released on 30th September 2016 and sold an incredible 280 copies! Since then, we’ve grown considerably and now have ten issues under our belts.
Showcasing people’s art has been exceptionally rewarding for us, so much so that we decided the best way to celebrate five years and ten issues would be to compile an anthology of Finest Cuts. We hope you like our choices.
May we take this opportunity to thank everyone who has submitted work to the mag, bought a copy or two, agreed to an interview, or attended any of our events since our incarnation. It’s been an absolute pleasure to meet so many of you and become friends.
Razur Cuts is a volunteer-run, independently published, not-for-profit, anti-bourgeois street-lit mag for people who matter… without you we’re nothing.
Love to you all.
Derek S